“Isolation Gowns” , “Surgical Gowns” are considered as a very important “Medical Device” , “Protective Shield” to Medical Professionals. Healthcare Textiles manufacturers considering the Barrier factors to produce Medical Gowns. Because medical gowns comprises of Barrier properties against the fluid, would protect medical professionals against the Microbes and infectious liquids while they contact them in the treatment process. AAMI (Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation) established some standards for surgical gowns and other Healthcare Textiles used in the critical zones. AAMI Standard ( ANSI/AAMI PB70 ) has defined the fluid and microbes resistance of the medical gowns and drapes for the critical zone where Medical Professionals handling the fluids like blood and other liquids. Depending upon the Protection level AAMI Standards give Ratings: Level 1: Minimal Fluid Barrier Protection Level-1 Medical gowns are not used in the OR and they have ...