This Pandemic situation enhances the market value of “Personal Protective Equipment” (PPE). Even wearing face masks become a fashion in 2020. In this crucial moment Isolation gowns playing a vital role in Healthcare sectors. Isolation Gowns is a “must-wear” element for healthcare workers who are working in the critical zone. Due to the abrupt demand, there is a shortage of PPE Gowns. Lots of Innovative ideas are being emerged in the manufacturing of protective gowns to reduce the shortage. Even in collaboration with fashion Industries, people started to produce reusable personal protective equipment to make a good impact on the environment. Different kinds of Medical Gowns: The main functions of the medical gowns are to avoid the transfer of microbes and fluids from the medical professionals to patients and vice versa. A surgical Gown is the main element for healthcare workers in surgical procedures. At that time they have to handle infectious microbes and liquids. ...